The long-running Eira IDEALfit fitness centre recently underwent a transformation when the premises underwent extensive renovation. Now the renovated fitness centre has an area of 100 square meters more.

During the renovation, the sauna facilities also got a new look, and now guests can enjoy sauna heat on Cariitti’s TAIVE benches after a workout. Cariitti’s lighting was installed in the saunas and washrooms, as well as in the lobby of the fitness centre.

Benches in heavy use

Eira IDEALfit is the first Finnish gym with TAIVE benches in the sauna. Marko Järvi, Managing Director of the fitness centre, says the reason for choosing benches was clear.

– They are simply cool. I made the decision for reasons of appearance. I’ve been a customer of Caritti for a long time, and I was probably one of the first to get to know the idea of TAIVE benches. It was an honor to make the first fitness centre sauna in Finland with them, he sums up.

TAIVE benches have other advantages than a stylish look. The saunas in the gyms are in an exceptionally heavy use; for example, at Eira IDEALfit, the saunas are on for about 15 hours a day. Therefore, the benches should be durable and easy to maintain.

– TAIVE benches are easy to remove and re-insert, making maintenance easier. And when it’s time to replace the seat surfaces of the benches at some point, Cariitti has their dimensions, so we can only order new ones.

The fitness centre had already some Cariitti lights earlier, so they were a natural choice for lighting the lobby. The model for saunas, washrooms and lobby lighting is taken from the Cariitti showroom. The saunas have Tulikivi Kuura heaters embedded in the benches.

– The benches in the dressing room are made of TAIVE elements. I worked on them a little bit myself and installed them on the old benches, Järvi says.

The reform delighted customers

The plumbing renovation of the housing cooperative made it possible to carry out the long-dreamed renewals, and the end result is a more handsome and spacious fitness centre. The premises were renovated down to floors, ceilings and electric wires.

– At the same time, a little more than just pipes were renovated, Järvi laughs.

The fitness centre was reopened in May, and both renovated facilities and renovated saunas have been well received. Guests say with a smile that now the former sauna facilities have taken a good leap forward.

If the sauna renewal is current, please contact us!

July 30, 2020
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