Sauna creates positive effects on the cardiovascular system, which are manifested, e.g. as a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in vascular flexibility. As in many others, the principle of reasonableness also applies to sauna use. Sauna is part of a health-promoting lifestyle combined with a healthy diet, exercise and adequate sleep. Sauna bathing has been shown to speed up falling asleep and increase the amount of deep sleep. The gentle heat of the sauna can also be used to relax and stretch the muscles. Stretching increases joint mobility, stimulates blood circulation and promotes metabolism.

It has also been speculated that a sauna would release more hormones of well-being than usual. However, there is no absolute certainty about the connection between the sauna and pleasure hormones, as only some studies have been able to show increased endorphin levels.

The sauna has been found to protect against cerebral infarction

International research shows that frequent sauna use is associated with a reduced risk of stroke. The follow-up study was conducted for about 15 years, and it provided significant information on the health benefits of sauna bathing: The study showed that the more often a person goes to sauna, the lower the risk of having a stroke. For example, people who go to the sauna 4-7 times a week are 61% less likely to have a stroke than people who have a sauna session only once a week. The protective effect of the sauna was found to be valid for both women and men.

Both the mind and the body rest in the sauna

Sauna bathing is generally perceived as a good way to relax in the middle of everyday life. For many, the sauna represents a place where work matters, everyday worries and hurry give way away. You should bathe in the sauna in a way that respects the fellow sauna bathers. We all experience heat individually, so it’s important to consider the preferences of others when throwing water onto the stove stones. It is also good to remember to have a calm conversation in the sauna while respecting the presence of others.

For example, the Finnish Sauna Association emphasizes sauna peace in its activities, the components of which are, e.g. appreciation of sauna traditions and culture, community and “sauna peace”. The peace of the sauna bathing comes out as a thoughtful behaviour in the sauna: when entering or leaving the sauna, it is polite to ask other sauna bathers, if they want more steam. The customary culture cherished by the Finnish Sauna Association means a friendly and respectful attitude, which enables a pleasant sauna moment for everyone.

Is sauna an important part of your daily life? Do you dream of an atmospheric and streamlined sauna? Check out Cariitti´s sauna lighting and TAIVE sauna interior collection and make your sauna come true!

July 15, 2021
Tags: blog